Picking Up Pieces of Picard - Behind the Red Door



Welcome back Star Trek Picard fans, it's time for a little info dump, tin foil hat theories and anything else that sticks to the wall like a red vine. 

Warning: This blog post contains possible "Speculation Spoilers" my theories alone.  But, I might be right.

If I'm not mistaken in this past episode of Picard (S3 E5 Imposters) we actually got a look at the "Red Door" and guess what?  It's really a red door.

Previous to this all we've seen is a door opening filled with a white light and surrounded by a harsh red glow.  (As pictured below.)


 Very mysterious and this vision usually takes place when Jack gets all red eyed.


I have to admit I've been having a tough time trying to figure out what this all means.  Why the visions?  Why the whispering voices?  (That have been recently identified as Beverly Crusher's.) Why the red vines and eyes?  How does Jack get all "John Wicked out?"  

So this is about when I head down to ol' supermarket to by a few reams of "tin foil".  

My first thoughts were that Jack was some sort of "Changeling Detector".  The Changelings can't have that.  Especially if they have designs on defeating the Federation and conquering the galaxy.  The whole point of infiltrating and sabotaging is not to be caught if you want succeed and finally apply your coup-de-grace.

So, Jack would be the ultimate weapon against the Changelings and with his advanced powers he would be they key to defeating them.

Here's where we start to get a little nuts.

We all know the Changelings have what is called the "Portal Weapon" which Captain Vadic used to great effect.  We also know the Changelings have been trying to cover their tracks and the attack on the recruitment center was just a feint to distract from what they really wanted to steal from the Daystrom Institute.

Hmm, ultimate weapon, Changling detector and other-worldly strength?

Yes, I'm saying Jack is that weapon and the Changelings want him back.  Why not?  They created him.  You read that right Jack or "Modified Jack" was a creation of the Changelings.  How?  Well, if you've evolved to the point where you're nearly impossible to detect, why not infiltrate the Daystrom Institute to further your plans and create your ultimate weapon?  The only question is, why Jack?  Is he just specifically suited for their experimentation?  Was he experimented on as a child?  Did Beverley participate in that experimentation?  (God, I hope not.  Her character is too near and dear to Star Trek fans.  Unless of course, she had to experiment on him to affect a cure from his childhood condition whatever that might be.) 

Reams of tin foil.

So, why the "Red Door" and why do we hear Beverly Crusher's voice associated with it.  

"Connect with me" is an odd to hear from mom when she is all ready there.

Is she?

I always thought it a bit odd that Beverly never came out to Jean Luc and said that, "We have a Changeling problem."  She must have known.  Why else would she deep fry that Vadic crewman when it tried to board her ship and capture Jack?  Also, she was adamant about "trusting no one" and keeping things hush hush.  Seemingly, there are Changelings everywhere and as we now know they have reached the highest ranks  Star Fleet.  Hence, trust no one.

But, can Beverly be trusted?  


She was conveniently, "hors de combat"  after her ship was attacked and then rescued by Picard and Riker.   I don't think we ever saw the healing process and since she was held in stasis and she never died, there was no reason for an operation or an autopsy.  The next we know she is staggering to the bridge with Riker and the big shocker is revealed.  Jack is Jean Luc's son.


I always thought it was a weird that Beverly was just a little out front of the Changeling revelations.  It would preclude any suspicion from her as she is out front of any discovery that has to do with Changeling physiology.  Also, why is it her voice we hear when the red door appears.  Why come to find her and connect with her?

Are you sitting down?


Beverly is Jack's Changeling handler.

Told you!  Lots and lots of tin foil.

The whispered voices we hear come from the real Beverly as she is being held by the Changelings.  Somehow through their experimentation, Jack still has a link to his mother and she is calling to him to be rescued.

You may ask why not hand him over when "she" had the chance?

Because Picard and Riker arrived too soon before Vadic could secure Jack.  A wounded Changeling took Beverly's form and then was put in stasis by Jack.  The other changeling was "deep fried" in order to cover up the evidence.

Yes, there is a tin foil shortage at my local supermarket thanks to me.

I see the "Red Door" as imagery conjured by Jack in his subconscious. Perhaps the Red Door represents a Lab door and all the experimentation that went on behind it at the compromised Daystrom Institute.  The real Red Door we see in this past episode 5 is also a figment from Jack's imagination.  Related to his childhood perhaps.  A door from when he was growing up and was having nightmares way back when he was a child?  Are the Red Vines imagery of DNA?  Are they symbolic of the process Jack went under and any other human that would be victimized by the Changelings experimentation?

It's a theory.

Finally, what is a weaponized Jack?

As far as I can tell at this stage, it is a way to convert humanity into Changelings.  The ultimate act of revenge from the ultimate weapon.  Except it's not quite finished and they need him back.  Defeat Star Fleet and then convert the rest of the Galaxy.

Pure evil.

Is there some holes in this theory?  No doubt.  I'm anxious to hear your feedback as to what I missed or what you can add to bolster my lunacy.  Add your comments below and let me know.

Until then, riiiiiip!



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