"It Tells Time..."

*Beyond this point there be spoilers for the Watchmen episode, "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your own".

Bian, wise beyond her years.  Composed and clever.  A young woman entrusted as her mother's emissary.  But is she entirely truthful?

I think not.

When Agent Laurie Blake and Sister Night enter the massive aerodrome next to the still incomplete timepiece she answers their query what does it do?

She answers with what I think is a half truth.  Please allow me to complete that sentence for her.

"It tells time...what to do."

No wonder that little slice of Viet Nam is for women only.

Men cause wars.  Men make massacres.  Men murder all.

Lady Trieu isn't just making a colossus of a new order.  She is making a new time in it's entirety using Osymandias' Millennium clock!

No more world wars.  No more Tulsa race riot.  No more racism.  And no more Viet-Nam war to haunt her daughter's dreams

No wonder Will Reeves is "All in".  He wants the same thing.

Time remade.

"If you don't like my story, write your own."

Will it work?  

Well, that is a good question.  We've seen some pretty wacky things on Watchmen.  But this one will outdo them all.

If it does work, will Dr. Manhattan stand for for it?  Will this be the thing that brings him out of his self imposed exile?

Will Ozymandias stand for it?  Will he escape his prison only to find the world he wants to conquer remade before he gets a chance to complete his plan?

I think I know why Lady Treiu was so willing to give up a male heir to that poor couple to lead off the episode.  His legacy will be for naught.

For times they are a changin'


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